Archive for October, 2010
October 30th, 2010
Your essay composition can be outstanding

If you are reading this guide about essay composition, this probably means that at school teachers are already requesting this kind of writing from you and your classmates. However, have you ever wondered how to write a good essay? Are all the essays the same? What is their structure like?
First of all, note that your essay composition may be quite simple or rather difficult, especially depending on the essay type you are supposed to write. Not all the essays are the same. For example, while Prep school students are given an essay topic by their teacher to write about, in academic writing the teachers ask students to demonstrate an argument, collect enough data to prove a point, or prove that they have understood the multiple meanings of a text they have assigned.
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October 28th, 2010
Writing courses online can do a lot for you!

Whether for improving your academic writing skills, for becoming a professional writer or just for fun, you can easily take a writing course online. Plenty of universities offer free writing courses for those who don’t have the time or the money for campus-based courses. In most cases, you only need to register, and then you can take the course from the comfort of your own house, even while wearing your pajamas!
While most linguistics agree that oral language is something innate in human beings, writing is not something biological but cultural, and that is why it is an ability that has to be learned and practiced. In fact, nobody can learn to read and write without a teacher there to guide them in the learning process. Writing courses online may supply that necessity.
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October 26th, 2010
Improve your compare contrast essays with these tips

A compare contrast essay should not be difficult to prepare. This kind of essay is characterized by a basis for comparison, developed in different point or sequences, and analogies, always between two (or sometimes more) terms. It is a very common kind of essay and teachers from many subjects ask their students to prepare one, eventually.
However, if you have never prepared such an essay so far, here we recommend you to pay special attention to certain details, in order to avoid common mistakes that can take your essay marking from an A to a lousy C minus…
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October 24th, 2010
Tips for successful government essays

If you are taking a course, and it requires you to write a government essay, you may at first feel somehow scared or overwhelmed. Are you supposed to perform a political analysis? Should you face it as an argumentative essay or as a personal essay –thus, expressing your own opinions?
Government essays can be tough to prepare, especially if you are not used to reading newspapers or watching debates on TV, but you should try to organize your work as best as you can, taking it step by step, and you will do just fine. And even if you are not sure where to begin, here we give you a few tips on how to write a good essay, from the very beginning to the last word.
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October 22nd, 2010
Common mistakes students do when writing media essays

A media essay is not something strange or unusual. In fact, it is a quite common essay topic today. Whether you are studying Language, Communication, Politics, Linguistics, Advertising or a similar career, media essays are very requested by teachers. However, even though an essay about media has the advantage that every student has plenty of experience on the field, they all tend to make quite similar mistakes when preparing their paper. Do you wonder why your essays get C’s or B minus? Do you want an A next time? Read carefully the following advice and avoid these very common mistakes.
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October 20th, 2010
Keys for successful critique essays

Do you need to write a critique essay, and you are not sure what to do? Are you afraid of repeating common mistakes? Relax and stay calm: we can help you out! Critique essays should be focused as argumentative essays: imagine you are trying to persuade the reader to change his or her mind into your opinion. You can’t force them to accept the given arguments. Quite the contrary, you must provide them irrefutable reasons on why you are right and the other statements are wrong.
Remember that, as in any other kind of essay, a proper organization of your ideas is the key to a good essay marking. Your examiner will appreciate the organization of your work, as it will make it more easily readable.
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October 18th, 2010
Tips for preparing a good astronomy coursework

Worried about preparing your astronomy coursework? There’s no need to panic! Here we will provide you some basic tips that will get you through your assignment writing.
Astronomy is one of the oldest sciences. It deals with the study of celestial objects (such as planets, asteroids, galaxies or stars) and phenomena that have their origin outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Your astronomy coursework may comprise many different topics, all linked with the field, such as the movement of the planets, the phases of the Moon, etc. Even though astronomy as a subject doesn’t seem to be very challenging (since it doesn’t occupy a wide scope), it is a complicated study that may involve many different tasks, such as direct observation, drawing, photography, graphics, computational (involving spreadsheets and formulas) or constructional work (for example, designing and making models).
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October 16th, 2010
Your thesis writing is not impossible!

All through your academic career you have prepared for your thesis writing. You already know that writing a thesis (or a dissertation) is the most important work you will have to deal. And yet, most students don’t know where to start! Don’t panic: every graduate has gone through that same feeling, and has eventually managed to success, and so will you. When preparing your thesis, there are many things to consider. Here we can provide you some basic tips for preparing yours.
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October 14th, 2010
Keys to successful college essays

When applying to colleges, you will probably be asked to submit a college essay as part of your application. This is a very common method of evaluation in colleges and universities for selecting their applicants. Admission essays can be based on your own experience as well as objective information: for example, a personal essay, in where you write about the most important lesson you have learned so far; a definition essay, in where you explain what do you understand from a certain abstract concept, such as “democracy” or “wealth”.
Writing college essays can be harder than it sounds. Especially if you have never written one before. Have you considered how are you going to organize your work? Here we will show you what to do and what not to do, so you can avoid some common mistakes.
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October 12th, 2010
Consider investing in a dissertation bound

Why should you get your dissertation bound? Think about it. After working on your dissertation for a year or so, after spending time on the dissertation outlines, designing the dissertation content page, doing a lot of research and even losing sleep over the dissertation abstract, it surely feels great holding the final version in your hands! Wouldn’t you like it to look like a book you can put on your bookcase and show your parents with pride?
In fact, in many colleges, after you have finished your thesis or your dissertation, you need to have them bound as part of the requirement for the final qualification. In fact, you want the binding to represent the amount of time and all the effort you have put into this work. It’s not just a document. It’s your dissertation, and it matters –a lot.
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