Posts Tagged ‘Essay Writing’
November 13th, 2012
Successful College Essays
No matter which way you turn, you cannot avoid grappling with the monster, competition. Competition is ubiquitous. Even admission to good schools and colleges has not been spared. The chances of a candidate getting admission to their first choice schools and colleges have reduced. According to some estimates more than fifty percent of applications to first choice schools and colleges have been turned down. Not many candidates or their parents realize, but the primary reason for this is sub standard college essays. Fortunately this is not an insurmountable problem.
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September 1st, 2011
Get to Know Reflective Essay Essence
Everything you write involves you, your reader and the world around you both. If the first element is the most important, if you are writing chiefly about yourself and your own experience, your aim is self-expression. You seek not so much to affect the reader or to explain the outside world as to express your personal thoughts, feelings and experiences. This category includes personal narrative and recollection as well as essays in introspection (for example, a reflective essay).
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August 31st, 2011
What is an Acknowledgement?
In scientific literature, an acknowledgement is an expression of gratitude for assistance in creating a literary work. It is written on a separate page at the beginning of the paper. It comes after the dedication but before the introduction. It must not be too long; in fact, one page should be enough. Receiving credit of acknowledgment rather than authorship indicates that the person or organization did not have a direct hand in producing the work in question, but may have contributed funding, criticism, or encouragement to the author.
December 1st, 2010
Keys for good essay papers

Do you consider yourself a talented writer, someone who can easily write all kinds of essay papers? Do you think you know how to write a good assignment? Alternatively, quite on the contrary, do you often find yourself in this situation: asking yourself how is it that you got a C minus in a course where all your classmates got straight A’s? How is it possible for some student to always write great essays while others are always trying harder for nothing? Are they just talented writers? Or is there such thing as an “essay recipe” that they know of, and you haven’t heard of?
The answer is somewhere in between. We regret to inform you that some people are more skilled at writing tasks –and if you have read up to here, we may assume that’s not your case-. However, you can still learn new things and improve your writing with lots of practice. So relax! We can teach you how to write a successful essay paper just by following some simple tips. Of course, no matter which technique you actually end up using, the best thing you can always do is to write, write, write!
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November 17th, 2010
Do well in your next higher history essay

Writing successful higher history essays is quite a challenge. Some students can handle the essay writing techniques, but find it hard dealing with so many facts and bibliography. Others, on the contrary, can face a professional historical research, but don’t manage to put it in words, especially when they must respect a certain essay word count.
Of course, if writing is not your forté, or you don’t have time to write your essays, you can always find help in our team of professional writers, who will provide you with a custom made essay. An original paper with intrinsic academic value, written by professional academic writers. However, if you want to try and prepare your own higher history essay, we suggest you avoid these frequent mistakes.
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November 15th, 2010
Learn to deal with those challenging TOK essays

TOK (Theory of knowledge) is a course any student must undergo if they wish to obtain a diploma in the International Baccalaureate Programme. In this course, teachers can freely approach to the theoretical foundation of essential concepts through their teaching methodology and course material of choice. The most important thing is that the given concepts can be debated and discussed properly.
In order to pass the course, you must present a TOK essay. The IB prescribes ten essay titles from which you must choose. Each possible essay topic will raise some cross-disciplinary question about knowledge, which you are expected to consider and reach a conclusion. It should be a rather personal essay, in which you demonstrate your own ideas and evolution of though after taking the course. It is not an easy task, but here we can provide you some essay tips for writing successful TOK essays.
October 22nd, 2010
Common mistakes students do when writing media essays

A media essay is not something strange or unusual. In fact, it is a quite common essay topic today. Whether you are studying Language, Communication, Politics, Linguistics, Advertising or a similar career, media essays are very requested by teachers. However, even though an essay about media has the advantage that every student has plenty of experience on the field, they all tend to make quite similar mistakes when preparing their paper. Do you wonder why your essays get C’s or B minus? Do you want an A next time? Read carefully the following advice and avoid these very common mistakes.
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October 20th, 2010
Keys for successful critique essays

Do you need to write a critique essay, and you are not sure what to do? Are you afraid of repeating common mistakes? Relax and stay calm: we can help you out! Critique essays should be focused as argumentative essays: imagine you are trying to persuade the reader to change his or her mind into your opinion. You can’t force them to accept the given arguments. Quite the contrary, you must provide them irrefutable reasons on why you are right and the other statements are wrong.
Remember that, as in any other kind of essay, a proper organization of your ideas is the key to a good essay marking. Your examiner will appreciate the organization of your work, as it will make it more easily readable.
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September 28th, 2010
How to prepare a great student essay

It’s not your first year at school. You are a high school senior, or you are already in college. And you find yourself dealing with assignments, papers and lots of essays! In fact, all through your academic career, probably starting in school and most likely, later too, you will be required to write many student essays. When you are applying to colleges all around the country, you may likely be asked to write an essay -based on personal experience as well as objective information- as a part of your admission. And college itself is definitely a huge writing training. But, speaking of training, what if you feel writing essays is not your thing? Can you somehow improve your skills? Can anyone teach you how to do it?
Writing student essays can be harder than it sounds. Especially if you have never written one before. So you should have in mind certain tips when the time comes for sitting in front of your laptop. The good news is, you are probably able to acquire the basic essay skills by yourself. Writing training is something anyone can try. Here we provide you with some tips to improve your essay skills and make you feel much comfortable next time a teacher asks for an essay writing task. Take them step by step!
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September 4th, 2010
Writing compare and contrast essays in five steps

Did your teacher ask you for a compare and contrast essay and you don’t know how to begin? Don’t panic! Compare and contrast essays are not hard to prepare. This kind of essay is characterized by a basis for comparison, developed in different point or sequences, and analogies, always between two (or sometimes more) terms. Here we will show you how you can write a good essay of this kind just by following five simple steps.
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