Archive for October, 2010
October 10th, 2010
Essay phrases you can use again and again

While at first it may seem ridiculous to think that any student can repeat the same essay phrases from time to time, the truth is that teachers and professors are actually expecting a certain register. Readers are accustomed to some common phrases in the English language being used in academic works. In fact, the purpose of using essay phrases is helping the readers to establish the logical flow of sentences in an appealing and readable way.
Essay writers usually have a list of phrases they can implement in different kinds of essays. Students often have to memorize the most common phrases. Learning some of them is useful, since it will simplify your work and allow you to achieve a professional register in your writing assignment. At the same time, you need to make sure you are using each phrase properly –or don’t use it at all! You should be very careful about the context in which they are used. The best thing to do is to use them where it is obvious.
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October 8th, 2010
Media assignments can be fun to prepare

Do you need to prepare a media assignment? Well, no big news! This is a quite common assignment topic today. Mass media are all around us. Consider how much we depend on newspapers and magazines, telephones, mobile phones, the Internet, radio, television, cinema. In communication, media (the plural form of medium) are the storage and transmission channels or tools used to store and deliver information.
An advantage of an assignment on media is that every student has plenty of experience on the field. So don’t freak out if a teacher asks you to write an assignment on this topic, because you could do much worse! Here we will provide you some tips on how to write a great media assignment (and which mistakes to avoid).
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October 6th, 2010
Why are dissertation literature reviews so important?

Do you have to write a dissertation literature review, and you are not sure where to start? Don’t worry: here we can provide you some useful tips.
Now that it is your last year in college, you realize there is a big task ahead: your dissertation. This one is the most important work in any student’s academic career, since it is the culmination of a very long process. The dissertation (or thesis) is meant to show the student’s achievements at the end of their college studies and in the beginning of their professional life.
You have already begun to organize your dissertation steps with your tutor, and he mentions you should include a dissertation review writing in your work. It is important that you learn how to do it right.
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October 4th, 2010
How to prepare your Ireland coursework

If you need some ideas for preparing your Ireland coursework, here we will give you a hand. Fairies, goblins, elves, leprechauns… Ireland has a fascinating rich culture that has had a significant influence on other cultures, particularly in the fields of literature, but also in music, food, education and other fields. Besides, the island political situation (it is divided into the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland) makes this a great topic for geography or history essays.
Ireland happens to be a very rich topic which can be focused in many different ways so, if you have been asked to hand in some coursework on this incredible country, don’t feel bad: you can learn a lot by studying Irish culture, geography or history.
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October 2nd, 2010
Effective essays are directed to the reader

A good essay is an effective essay: one way or another, every time we write an essay, we are trying to persuade the reader, at least to follow our argument and, if possible, to agree with it. Effective essays are always easily readable, since they apply to the reader’s interests and display little bits of information at the time, displaying a combination of facts and examples, and showing the essay writer’s own ideas as well as an opposite point of view the reader may have… to prove them wrong! There is a great writing technique in which you basically do that. It is called “reductio ad absurdum”, and politicians use it a lot.
If you are looking forward to writing the really effective way, the reader must be permanently taken into account. Even more so if the only reader is going to be your teacher when correcting your work. Here we will show you how to success just by following five simple steps.
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