Posts Tagged ‘research essay’

Tips for Writing a Research Essay

June 5th, 2010

Writing research essays takes a lot of work

Writing a research essay is a quite common assignment in higher education. But “common” does not mean “easy”. Quite on the contrary, many students have difficulties when they have to write such an assignment. And that is because not everyone knows the basic facts for writing an appropriate research paper. Note that the concept of the research essay is not as simple as it seems: at first, the student believes all they have to do is choose a topic, do some research on it and then, write the essay based on such a research. Bad news: it is not simple at all.

Choosing a Topic for Your Research Essay

May 25th, 2010

Topics in research essays must be chosen carefully

A research essay is a more advanced task that other essay types. In fact, few students know how to write them well. Many of them fall into the most common mistakes such as plagiarism, not choosing a research question, quoting bibliography not suitable for their topic, etc. The concept of research essays is not as simple as it seems: at first, the student believes all they have to do is choose a topic, do some research on it and then, write the essay based on such a research. The sad truth is: it is not simple at all.
One of the worst mistakes you can make while working on this kind of essays is choosing your topic wrong. Since all your essay will be based on the topic of choice, a bad topic translates into a bad essay. How can you avoid this? Be extra careful when selecting your topic, and pay attention to the following advice.

The Way to Successful Research Essays

May 12th, 2010

How to prepare your first research essay

This assignment is quite common in higher education… and quite a pain in the neck for many students. That is because not everyone knows the basic facts for writing an appropriate research paper. Note that the concept of the research essay is not as simple as it seems: at first, the student believes all they have to do is choose a topic, do some research on it and then, write the essay based on such a research. Bad news: it is not simple at all.

MBA essay: The First Step To Become The Master in Business Administration

December 31st, 2008

Adjudicates between admission and rejection

Most of the students prefer to do an MBA after finishing their undergraduate courses. Most of the applications sent to the business schools by the students are being rejected while the others are placed in one of the top schools across the nation. With the growing competition you should have an added edge over the others, for this apart from getting marks in flying colors, you should also require powerful and well-grounded MBA essay.

Global Warming Essay: It Should Aim At Saving The Environment!

November 25th, 2008

Bring Out The Global Warming Awareness among People

Global warming essay must concentrate on the climatic changes. Cause and effect is two terms that are interrelated. When one is the reason the other is the result for the reason. These two terms are applicable for globalization. It is due to causes like pollution, the increase in the emission of chlorofluorocarbon and carbon monoxide which has resulted as global warming. While writing any social awareness essay it is important to make sure that your message gets across to the people. It is the same for this essay also; it should contain less of factual information and include more of the emotional side, like what is happening to the world due to global warming, how people are getting affected, what is its impact on animals, etc.

Global warming is one of the major problems that affect the people in a rapid rate; its impact can be seen all around the world either directly like changes in the climate cycle or indirectly like increase in the water table, melting of the ice in the arctic region and so on.

Many people are unaware of the harm that global warming will bring to the future generation. A global warming essay should be an awareness essay to the people. Normally the essay will contain the following important points:

  • •    The introduction of the essay should start with what is global warming, how it is affecting the people, your own view point on the issue. You can also give some catchy phrases on global warming. There are many tips on how to write an essay introduction

Health Essays – what are they about?

November 16th, 2008

How To Write a “Healthy” Health Essay!

Health essayshave no definition in particular, but the name quite obviously states that they are essays on health and health related topics. Since health and medicine are directly related, the topics range from something as basic as fitness and a balanced diet to the more complex and technical essays on surgery, surgical methods, diagnosis and treatment. They are usually written for a target audience like fitness freaks and those in the medical profession. The technicality and depth of the essays depend on the readers for whom it is written for. For instance an essay on “Breast Cancer” will be written in a simple and comprehensive style in a specialized magazine for women and in more of detailed technical style in a health journal. One should also pay attention to the essay structure to help the readers follow the essay easily.

Good Essay Writing, a Fashion Metaphor

September 12th, 2008

Flash Review of the Argument Essay and Research Essay

Interested in being a fab essay writer? Writing a good essay is like wearing the right dress for each occasion. Choosing the right words, tone, and structure in the essay is as critical as choosing the right material and cut for your body. Each academic discipline has its own guidelines and essay formats so dig up your student handbook and read it! Find here a number of useful informative essay tips
Also read your essay questions carefully because they are as important as party invitations in giving you the heads up on what you need to know to write a good essay. And as different events we go to require different dress styles; different academic disciplines also require different degrees of formality. Hence, you have to understand what is expected of you and how your work will be evaluated. Below are two essay types and their guidelines.
1. Argument Essay – Casual Chic
Why are you being asked to write an argument essay? You have to establish that your position or thesis statement is more relevant and credible than the other positions. The degree of formality in tone depends on the requirements of your teacher.
How to write it? Start with an introduction on why the topic is relevant and how you will tackle the topic. Is there a growing misinformation on the issue? Is the popular view on the topic not based on facts? Include your position on the issue or the thesis statement in the introduction. Next, in the body of the essay, write the arguments or supporting evidence to your thesis or position. Evaluate the evidence. Why is it more credible and authoritative?

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