Defining Argumentative Essays

Do you know what an argumentative essay is?

Even when every single essay tries to catch and maintain the reader’s attention through a series of writing techniques, this is especially true when it comes to argumentative essays. This kind of essay (also known as persuasive essay) is meant to persuade its readers to adopt the same point of view as the writer. In some cases, even to take an action based on the reading (for example, if you write an essay about climate change, you may move your readers into making significant changes in their daily lives, in order to help the planet).

Logic and reason

When writing an argumentative essay, the student should focus on applying a series of writing techniques, such as: providing reasons for his or her statement, repeating, comparing, reductio ad absurdum, etc. The most important thing about this kind of essay is that the writer should try to support the argument with valid reasons, facts, data, etc. And not just appealing to the reader’s feelings or beliefs. For example, if you are writing an essay defending democracy, you can’t use the argument “people should vote because that gives them the feeling of freedom”. Instead, you can provide the reader of plenty of examples where dictatorships have had terrible consequences for populations around the world.

Can I choose any topic?

You can certainly write argumentative essays on many different fields and on a wide variety of topics. But not just any topic. This is because you should always choose a debatable topic: you must make a statement and prove that the contrary is either wrong, unmoral or impossible. When doing so, if you choose a topic that provokes no controversies, you would never achieve a successful task persuading readers: simply, because they are already persuaded!
For example: who could possible debate that Ernest Hemingway is one of the most important American writers of the 20th century? You can like or dislike his works, but you can’t possible deny his importance as a figure in the history of literature. In conclusion: no argumentative essay material.
Your topic, basically, should be an unsolved problem. You must choose your own position, taking into account real facts that support it. Before actually starting to write, do a research and be well informed about your topic. You should provide the reader with the opposing argument as well, in order to refute it with evidence and examples that support your own statement. To find them, read newspapers and books. A visit to the library would be a great idea. Direct quotes from experts in the topic are other valuable source of information.

Every student knows how hard it is writing so many essays, and meeting deadlines, and argumentative essays are no piece of cake: they can be time-consuming and difficult to manage. You can always trust us with your writing tasks and here you will find high quality writers ready to provide you with a custom made, 100% original and unique work, always. And we promise we will persuade your readers of anything you request!

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