Modifying Sample College Essays in a Safe Way

How can sample college essays be changed into a unique, original work

When you are overwhelmed by responsibilities and you find out there’s no way you can meet your deadlines, using sample college essays extracted from a random site on the Internet can be really tempting. “Why should I write my essay if I can get them for free in no time?”. But be careful: copying papers from the Internet can be very dangerous –at least, if not done right-.
You’d better forget about the old professor who hadn’t ever sat in front of a computer and still used to write in ink his lesson plans. Today, every single examiner can use Copyscape or other programs to check if a paper is authentic and original of it is a rough-cut copy of another student’s work that was lingering online waiting to be re-used.
Fortunately, there are some simple techniques you can apply for turning a sample essay you found on the Internet into your very own work (or just this close). Use our tips on selecting proper college essay formats


One very simple thing you can start by doing is using the thesaurus and changing some words into their synonyms. But make sure they still make sense when changed: “Scientists believe that by next century, Earth population will have grown into 50 billion” is not the same as “Men of science trust that by the following one hundred years, ground inhabitants will reach”. While the first sentence is written in a typical academic stile, the second one seems to have been written by a robot or a little child trying to sound serious.

Visit our site to avoid following bad essay examples


Of course you can’t copy every single sentence of a sample essay. What you should do is express its main ideas whit your own words. Not good at writing? Try paraphrasing: turning an active sentence into passive voice (or the opposite) is the easiest way, and goes undetected by software. For example: “Penicillin was discovered by Fleming” is easily turned into “Fleming discovered penicillin” or “It was Fleming who discovered penicillin” or even “Fleming was the discoverer of penicillin”. Of course it isn’t always this simple, but once you get used to rewrite, you will find a whole 20 pages essay can be redone in a few hours.

Change conclusion

If what you are looking for is dissertation help, the quickest thing to do is to change the point of view. That doesn’t mean turning every sentence upside down in order for them to express a thought that is opposite to the one of the original author. But, since every dissertation should expose both points of view, sometimes the only thing you need to change is the conclusion of the essay to express something totally different.

Find here all necessary information on how to write an introduction

Finally, if you don’t even have a day to spare in applying these simple changes to sample college essays, the best thing to do is to buy coursework, but make sure it is from a safe service that can guarantee the best assignment writing, 100% original, no copy-paste but authentic academic essays written by professionals.

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