Global Warming Essay: It Should Aim At Saving The Environment!

Bring Out The Global Warming Awareness among People

Global warming essay must concentrate on the climatic changes. Cause and effect is two terms that are interrelated. When one is the reason the other is the result for the reason. These two terms are applicable for globalization. It is due to causes like pollution, the increase in the emission of chlorofluorocarbon and carbon monoxide which has resulted as global warming. While writing any social awareness essay it is important to make sure that your message gets across to the people. It is the same for this essay also; it should contain less of factual information and include more of the emotional side, like what is happening to the world due to global warming, how people are getting affected, what is its impact on animals, etc.

Global warming is one of the major problems that affect the people in a rapid rate; its impact can be seen all around the world either directly like changes in the climate cycle or indirectly like increase in the water table, melting of the ice in the arctic region and so on.

Many people are unaware of the harm that global warming will bring to the future generation. A global warming essay should be an awareness essay to the people. Normally the essay will contain the following important points:

  • •    The introduction of the essay should start with what is global warming, how it is affecting the people, your own view point on the issue. You can also give some catchy phrases on global warming. There are many tips on how to write an essay introduction and one can follow them.
  • •     After introduction, the next important topic of discussion is how global warming started, during which period, the effects of global warming in different continents, the statistical analysis of its effect in different countries.
  • •     How people are a reason for global warming with their invention of new technologies.
  • •      How the greenhouse gases trap the heat in the atmosphere that results to an increase in the temperature, the effects of it on plans and animals.
  • •     The melting in the Polar Regions and the changes in the glaciers. The increase in the droughts, hurricanes and the heat waves around the world due to the climate changes. The increase of heavy floods and monsoons in the subtropical countries.
  • One can refer to an essay sample to get a clear picture about how an essay should be written. The global warming essay should also contain the following.

  • •    The effect on the flora and fauna which will be lost as the water table of the sea increases due to increase in temperature and also the effects of low lands near the sea.
  • •     The past climatic changes, the climatic changes at present and how the climate will change in the future
  • •    The steps taken by different social organizations to stop the global warming. How the increasing global warming can be stopped. The measures that can be taken by the people.
  • The essay conclusion, in particular, should be very convincing so that the people reading it will take steps to reduce the causes for globalization immediately. A global warming essay can be written in three different ways or format- apart from a social awareness essay it can also be written as a problem solving essay or just an informative essay

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