Writing a History Extended Essay that Will Get You Through

January 19th, 2011
Tips for successful history extended essays

History extended essays
Since history is a discipline which cannot be studied only by reading books, history teachers ask for essays quite often. Certainly, more than desirable when writing is not your forté. History extended essays give the students the chance to demonstrate their knowledge acquisition through many abilities: comprehension of processes, causes and consequences; fact distribution; handling of academic bibliography as well as other sources (documents, letters, newspapers and magazines, photographs, the Internet, etc.). And because teachers base their grades almost entirely on written assignments, your history extended essay should be accurate and clear.
If you are not sure where to begin, here we give you some advice. Of course, you can always buy custom essays from us if you don’t feel like writing. 100% quality work written just for you! No plagiarism, no mediocre papers but only unique and original papers with academic value.

An Advanced Higher English Dissertation for Foreign Students

January 12th, 2011
Tips for writing advanced higher English dissertations

Advanced higher English dissertation
If you are studying abroad, that means by the time you finish you’ll need to prepare an advanced higher English dissertation. What if English is not your first language? This will obviously imply some extra difficulties. However, you can succeed and we can tell you how. Keep on reading and we’ll give you some advice for writing satisfactory advanced higher English dissertations, even if you have learned English as a foreign language.

“What Was that Essay Sentence Like?”

January 10th, 2011
Some useful essay sentences you can implement

Essay sentence
Writing essays is not something easy for everybody. Some students seem to be talented writers, while others struggle to find that perfect essay sentence they read somewhere but now is lost in their memory… If you are having problems with your essay writing skills, we can lend you a hand. You can always purchase a custom essay and forget about your problems! Even if you want to try writing your own work, we can give you some valuable tips on essay sentences.

Advice for Writing a Peterhouse Essay

January 6th, 2011
Tips for successful Peterhouse essays

Peterhouse essay
Writing a Peterhouse essay is a great way to gain confidence and enhance your possibilities of attending to a famous college. When you are in your Year 12s or Lower Sixth of Secondary School, it is time to start thinking about applications, essays and assignments. Surely, being part of a Peterhouse annual essay contest will tip the balance in your favour… Are you willing to take part? Keep reading our tips, then!

Tips for your Written Dissertation

January 4th, 2011
Written dissertations mean obtaining a degree

Written dissertation
A written dissertation –also known as thesis- is probably the most important work you will have to face in your academic career. The dissertation is the culmination of a very long process, and it is meant to show the student’s achievements at the end of their academic studies and in the beginning of their professional life. Obtaining your degree depends on your written dissertation.
Of course, a student may feel pressured when considering the importance of this work. You will probably feel much better once you have prepared your dissertation outline. Then, you’ll see it’s not as terrible as you thought: although writing a dissertation is a long, hard process, you can simplify it just following directions. Here we will provide you some useful tips.

Tips for Your Educating Rita Essay

December 30th, 2010
How to write successful Educating Rita essays

Educating Rita essay
If you are taking a course of English Literature, or even Drama, you may probably be asked to write an Educating Rita essay. If you are looking for tips on how to do a great work, here we can provide you some essay writing help. British playwright Willy Russell is the author of the stage comedy Educating Rita, a play for two actors, which is entirely set in the office of an Open University lecturer. The play was commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company and premièred at The Warehouse, London, in June 1980 starring Julie Walters and Mark Kingston.
It is a very famous play which you may probably enjoy reading. However, if you don’t have the time for it, at least rent the movie! Educating Rita was adapted by Russell himself for a 1983 film with Michael Caine, and Julie Walters directed by Lewis Gilbert.

An Inspector Calls Essays: Do’s and Don’ts

December 28th, 2010
Common mistakes to avoid in your An inspector calls essay

An inspector calls essays
If you are taking a course on English literature, you may probably have to deal with writing at least one An inspector calls essay. Nevertheless, how to write it well? It is such a common topic, so many pages have been written about it, is it necessary to start all over again? Alternatively, is it possible for you to learn from somebody else’s mistakes?
Fortunately, it is! Here we have collected some common mistakes students tend to make in their An inspector calls essays, and some tips you may find useful.
So keep on reading and find out how can you success in this essay writing. An inspector calls is definitely a great play. However, we understand you are dealing with those awful deadlines, and you don’t have the time to read it now. In case you decide to go for it, here are some tips. By the way, check your DVD store, because there was an adaptation to the big screen in 1954 you may find pretty useful…

Tips for Your Graphics Coursework

December 23rd, 2010
How to prepare good graphics coursework

Graphic coursework
Students who are currently taking GCSE graphics, or other similar signatures in colleges or schools around the world, will be probably asked to hand in plenty of graphics courseworks. However, you should cheer up! These works can bring students fun and knowledge at the same time. If you are studying Graphics as part of an Art or Design career, then this coursework is surely something that will lay the foundation for your profession as a designer.
Here we will provide fresh ideas and some suggestions on how to hand in a successful work. It is up to you to find an interesting topic and commit to your work. However, if you find yourself unable to reach those awful deadlines, and you believe you will never finish your assignment in time, consider purchasing a custom graphics coursework. Our essay writing company can provide custom essays, but also rich, original graphic assignments that will definitely fulfill your expectations.

Advice for Your Higher English Critical Essay

December 20th, 2010
Tips for writing successful higher English critical essays

Higher English critical essay
Writing a higher English critical essay certainly sounds quite challenging. A critical essay may be complicated. However, if you are not a native English speaker and you still need to submit an essay written in that language, the difficulty may increase even more. There’s no need to worry. If you need some help with your essay writing, here we can provide you some very useful tips. And next time you need to hand in higher English critical essays, you will do just fine!

The Assignment: Keys for a Good Written Work

December 15th, 2010
Success on all the assignments you hand in!

The assignment
It’s not easy to write well. Some linguistics agree that oral language is something innate in human beings. On the contrary, writing is not something biological but cultural, and that is why it is an ability that has to be learned and practiced. Since writing is not something that is in our nature, it is only natural that so many people find it difficult and challenging. However, the assignment you hand in next time can be great if you just follow a couple of suggestions. Here we will teach you how to prepare a good paper, essay or assignment without trying too hard. And get ready to success!

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