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Posts Tagged ‘descriptive essay’

Narrative essay topics-Awaken the Master Story Teller within You!

October 13th, 2008
Capture Your Readers’ Hearts With Interesting Narrative Essay Topics

It is very easy for one to write something, but what makes a write up interesting is the presence of human interest element in it. Basically, there are four types of writing. They are descriptive, narrative, persuasive and expository writing. Out of these four, narrative writing has the best of chances to capture the readers’ interests as it reaches their hearts. It deals mostly with the happening of an event during a particular point of time. It is mostly delivered in a story-telling format and so it triggers the interest of the readers. As in any other write up, in this type of writing also, the topics chosen play a vital role as most readers choose to read a material based on its title or caption. Narrative essay topics

How to Write an Essay Introduction

September 16th, 2008
Good Essay Introduction Translates to Real Life Skills

Watching Joe Biden, the VP hopeful in the U.S. 2008 elections, highlighted to me the importance of capturing the interest of your audience. Even if you are highly competent and you have solid experience, you still suck if you are not able to introduce your ideas well. So no matter how extensive your research is on your argument essay; or how exact and illustrative your sentences are in your descriptive essay; it will be for nothing if your essay introduction sucks!
So here are Tips on How to Write an Essay Introduction:
Be Arresting- You have to draw the reader, boost his interest and decrease his resistance to reading. How? Aside from an opening statement which leads your reader to your main point, you can also open with a provocative question. You can also begin with a narrative, then a question which introduces the reader to what the essay is about.

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