Posts Tagged ‘essay writing tips’
June 22nd, 2010

Discussion essays combine logic with personal opinions
In the long running list of essay types, one may be requested to write a discussion essay. What are we exactly supposed to write then? First of all, this essay should express the writer’s opinion about a specific topic, not caring too much whether the reader shares it or not. But it is less personal than that of the personal essay: it provides information as in a research essay, combining it with views and opinions as in a critical essay, and also analyzing the topic like an analytical essay. You may think it is way too difficult for you to deal with, right? Give it a try though: discussion essays are challenging, but also stimulating.
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June 7th, 2010
Choose the essay writing technique you prefer
Every student experiences the terrible writer’s block every now and then. The worst part about writing an essay is… beginning! Just the sight of the blank page can frighten even the best student. Fortunately, there is a series of essay writing techniques you can easily learn and begin implementing today. Of course, no matter which technique you actually end up using, the best thing you can always do is to write, write, write! Even if you are not sure what to say yet. That way, you will loose that awful writer’s block and you will be finishing your essays in no time.
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May 14th, 2010
Cause and effect essays organize methodically the ideas
In order to write a good cause and effect essay, you must first be sure that you understand what is the difference between cause and effect and what they really are. In simple words, causes are reasons why certain things happen, and effects are the results. And cause and effect essays are concerned with both of them, since cause and effect is a common and useful method of organizing and discussing ideas.
This kind of essay can have two basic purposes: to inform or persuade. The first one just provides basic facts. But, if you choose the second one as your main purpose, you will need to apply certain writing techniques in order to persuade the reader to adopt your same point of view.
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May 1st, 2010
There is always one more essay tip to learn
Every student is requested to write an essay every once in a while. And most of them could use some valuable essay tips. Ok, so maybe you already know that every essay should be planned, that you should begin with an introduction and finish with a conclusion, that you should never hand in an essay before correcting the spelling and grammar. But there is always one more essay tip you can learn. Here we provide you a few simple ideas you can start implementing right now.
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April 17th, 2010
An essay sentence should be a reflection of the essay itself
Sentences are the first language structure with a full meaning attached. While words can be ambiguous, sentences are already giving the reader or the listener some valuable information. When you are writing your essay, you should consider all the essay sentences as a reflection of the essay itself: they must be concise, coherent and meaningful.
If you are not sure where to begin with, pay attention to the following tips which you may find useful when working on an essay.
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April 5th, 2010
Simple tips on how to write the best essay
Have you ever wonder why you don’t get more than C minus grades while other students get straight A’s? How come some student write the best essays while others are always trying harder and harder for nothing? Is it that they are gifted writers? Or is there such thing as an “essay recipe” that they know of?
Well, the answer is somewhere in between. The ugly truth is that some people are more skilled for writing tasks –and, if you have read up to here, we may assume that’s not your case-. Linguistic intelligence, though, can be exercised and improved, so you can always get better at writing. You just have to practice more.
But don’t freak out, that everything’s not lost. The good news is that there is something as an essay writing method which you can learn. Do not expect it to be magical, Rome wasn’t build in a day and you certainly won’t write the best essay in one night’s work. But following these tips, you may write much better. Assigned to write a leadership essay? Our experts are ready to help you.
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March 17th, 2010
Some elements all Wuthering Heights essays should include
If you are taking an English Literature Course, it wouldn’t be surprising if your teacher asked you to write a Wuthering Heights essay. Emily Brontë’s book is not only an exponent of the 19th century gothic novel. It is also one of the most popular books in courses, whether in English as your native language or as a foreign one.
In case you haven’t read it yet, Wuthering Heights is a tragic love story between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, a passion that eventually leads to their destruction. It is a wonderful book, although we understand you don’t have time to read its 250 pages (or more) and you may require someone else to write the essay for you…
In case you decide to go for it, here are some tips (and how about renting the movie?). Seeking samples of proposal essays? visit our site to get practical advice and help
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March 8th, 2010
A personal essay is the best choice when applying to college
An admission essay is a very common way of evaluation many colleges use. You may be asked to write a personal essay explaining your examiner why should you (from all people) get accepted. At first you may feel a little scared and think you definitely need help with essay writing, but you will realize soon that writing from your personal experience can be very accurate in some cases.
Visit our site to learn more about college essay formats
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February 27th, 2010
Some tips on writing short essays, meaningful but without using many words
You were asked to write an essay. The instructions may include not only the main subject of the essay, but also its extension. You may think at first that short essays are easier than long ones, when in fact the opposite is true. If you are only allowed to write a certain number of words, you may find yourself restricted and bounded. The problem is, you need to express something meaningful after all. Even without using many words. What can you do in order to write the best short essay? And why is it fundamental to constrain yourself to a certain extension after all?
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July 4th, 2009
In writing a student essay on global warming, limit the scope of this broad environmental issue!
Indeed, global warming has been one of the hottest essay topics since reports of melting icecaps and disappearing flora and fauna. Part of what makes this topic particularly significant is its universality. Protection of the environment is in every way a global concern and every nation –developing and developed– is in the process of formulating policies to address it.
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