Posts Tagged ‘English essay’
September 2nd, 2011
What is an Evaluation Essay?
An evaluation essay or report (also called an evaluative paper) is a type of argument that includes evidence to justify a writer’s opinions about a subject. Such an essay seems to be subjective in nature, but only superficially. In fact it is said to combine the characteristics of an argumentative essay, a comparative essay and an analysis. Evaluation essays are usually written for the purpose of arriving at conclusions by weighing the pros and cons of something.
August 31st, 2011
What is an Acknowledgement?
In scientific literature, an acknowledgement is an expression of gratitude for assistance in creating a literary work. It is written on a separate page at the beginning of the paper. It comes after the dedication but before the introduction. It must not be too long; in fact, one page should be enough. Receiving credit of acknowledgment rather than authorship indicates that the person or organization did not have a direct hand in producing the work in question, but may have contributed funding, criticism, or encouragement to the author.
December 20th, 2010
Tips for writing successful higher English critical essays

Writing a higher English critical essay certainly sounds quite challenging. A critical essay may be complicated. However, if you are not a native English speaker and you still need to submit an essay written in that language, the difficulty may increase even more. There’s no need to worry. If you need some help with your essay writing, here we can provide you some very useful tips. And next time you need to hand in higher English critical essays, you will do just fine!
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November 7th, 2010
Higher English essays should be carefully proofread

Do you need to write a higher English essay, and you are not sure you can do it right? Doubtless English is today’s lingua franca. The worldwide applicability of this language has significantly increased the worth of everything related to English. Every college student should be able to present a higher English essay, no matter what their native language is. And because academic writing require flawless English, some students face a real challenge and many difficulties.
Anyway, here we can provide you some useful tips for writing an essay in English.
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June 12th, 2010
English essays need lots of proofreading
You would probably not be looking for information on how to write an English essay if such was your first language. If you are worried about not being able to write a good essay in English, it is probably because you are not so sure about your language skills. Maybe you are applying for an international university or college on an English speaking country.
Well, surely if the essay is supposed to be written in a foreign language you may multiply the difficulty by two! Besides trying to figure out what to say, you also have to think very carefully how to say it. It doesn’t matter how much time we have been studying the second language: it’s never quite the same. As wearing a borrowed jacket that may fit us well, but still doesn’t feel exactly like our own.
People that learn English many times run into the same difficulties… and end up making the same mistakes. But do not worry: here are some tips for helping you in your writing.
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December 17th, 2009
The worldwide applicability of English language has magnified the worth of everything that relates to English. This is true for all walks of life and so is true for the English essay. The inevitable requirement for this essay writing is the knowledge of English—at least with a working knowledge. If you realize the difference between services from newly-organized and well-established companies, then, you must not disregard FastEssays.co.uk. We have been active in this field since more than last 10 years; we cannot be called a new enterprise. Furthermore, this time span has contributed greatly to our high experience at present plus superior quality of services. We have come a long way. And, owing to our spirit of endeavoring, we have been successful in being helpful to the anxious students. The user-friendly software and student-friendly environment at our site additionally contributed to our success.
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July 4th, 2009
In writing a student essay on global warming, limit the scope of this broad environmental issue!
Indeed, global warming has been one of the hottest essay topics since reports of melting icecaps and disappearing flora and fauna. Part of what makes this topic particularly significant is its universality. Protection of the environment is in every way a global concern and every nation –developing and developed– is in the process of formulating policies to address it.
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April 19th, 2009
Here are the basic things about dissertation formats:
A good college dissertation must be first of all, intelligent; second of all, well-researched; third of all, consistent with generally accepted academic guidelines. So even though this is a tedious process, any student who wants to impress must be well-versed in dissertation format used in writing .
Our experienced essay writers can produce a great analysis essay for you
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March 26th, 2009
Do you want to know how to write a Dissertation Abstract?
A dissertation abstract is the summary of your work. As you know, dissertations are typically very lengthy and the introduction is not enough to give the reader a complete picture of your study or thesis. So, an abstract must be provided along with the dissertation. A dissertation abstract must also be written in such a way that it can stand alone. If say a research must be chosen for a presentation, an abstract will be used as the basis for selection.
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February 13th, 2009
It is a practice to improve the written language…
A student essay is nothing but essays given to students in the high school and college level. Essays are given to students in order to help them gain more knowledge over the subject and also other techniques like information collection, co-ordination, professional writing, etc. Essays are sometimes given in the form of assignments, research papers, course works, etc were the students have to write in their own way and present their work.
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