Posts Tagged ‘essay writing tips’
September 1st, 2011
What is a Proposal Essay?
The idea behind a proposal essay is that the author is attempting to convince the reader to take action, approve a plan or believe that a product or set of ideas is the best way to achieve the given ends. Usually a proposal essay will analyze the need for the proposal in the first place, as well as suggest a solution that will be backed up by data and logical writing. Besides, your job is to convince the reader that the topic is an issue. Ideas for a proposal essay should begin with your personal beliefs. The more passionate you feel about a belief, the more passionate your writing will be.
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March 14th, 2011
Tips for writing amazing music essays

How should you begin writing a music essay? It is harder than it sounds, right? We define music as an artistic combination of sounds that can transmit feelings and thoughts. There are many kinds of music, and you sure have your favourite artists and songs. As any other student, you probably enjoy listening to music, but so far, you have never written about it. What can you say in your music essay? Do you feel like you don’t know where to begin? Take it easy! Music essays can be simple, and even fun to write. Here we will tell you how to prepare your assignment in five easy steps.
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March 7th, 2011
Writing anti essays requires some effort

An anti essay? Are you sure you read this right? Why on Earth would anyone want to write such a thing? Of course, by anti essays we mean awful, sure-failure essays. However, it is possible that you are tired of getting straight A’s, and for once you would like to have a laugh at your teacher or classmates. Writing a horrible paper would be something new!
Then, there’s the chance you already know for sure you have failed the course, and therefore, you’ve decided you won’t try anymore. Third, if you want to fit in, but your essays are so damn perfect that everyone thinks of you as the class nerd. Last but not least, you may read these indications just for fun, as long as you remember that the anti essay is the exact opposite that you should do if you want a good essay marking, or at least an acceptable one. Keep reading at your own risk! Here you will learn how to write an anti essay in 3 simple steps.
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February 22nd, 2011
Your essay paper can be outstanding!

Essay papers are not your forté. Even so, all through your academic life you will have to deal with many, many writing tasks. If you keep wondering how is it that you don’t get more than C minus essay marks while other students get straight A’s, we can help you! How is it that certain students always write the best essays while others, like yourself, keep trying harder for nothing? Is there such thing as an “essay recipe” that they know of, and you don’t? In fact, it is true that some people are more skilled at writing tasks –and if you have read up to here, we may assume that’s not your case-. Nevertheless, you can’t trust your writing skills only. In fact, you can always learn new things and improve your writing with practice.
So, don’t freak out. You can also write a great essay paper. You won’t become a writer without some effort. However, if you try hard, you can certainly improve your writing skills sooner than you think. With these tips, you may write much better and get a high mark in your next essay as well as in those to come (and, if not, you can always buy a custom essay!)
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February 7th, 2011
How to write the perfect anti essay

There are a couple of reasons for wanting to write horrible, a-sure-failure essays, or as we could call them, anti essays. First, if you have such a high mark in literature, then you want to amuse your teacher or your classmates with a terrible work, for a change. Second, if you have already failed the course, and you are tired of trying. Third, if you want to be a part of the group, but your essays are so perfect that everyone thinks of you as the nerd. Last but not least, you may read these indications just for fun, considering that an anti essay is the exact opposite that you should do if you want to pass the course. We have warned you!
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January 10th, 2011
Some useful essay sentences you can implement

Writing essays is not something easy for everybody. Some students seem to be talented writers, while others struggle to find that perfect essay sentence they read somewhere but now is lost in their memory… If you are having problems with your essay writing skills, we can lend you a hand. You can always purchase a custom essay and forget about your problems! Even if you want to try writing your own work, we can give you some valuable tips on essay sentences.
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December 3rd, 2010
…And other answers about essay paragraphs

An essay paragraph can be a very confusing category. How long should paragraphs be? Is it true that each paragraph should express a whole idea? How about linking words and expressions? How many paragraphs should an essay have?
Writing good paragraphs is the key to writing a good essay that will get you through the course. Here we will give you some tips on how you can link, split and format your essay paragraphs.
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November 25th, 2010
Tips for succeeding in this essay and those to come

Let’s face it: writing is not your forté. Even so, all through your academic life you will have to deal with many, many writing tasks. In this essay, the one you are preparing today, you have a chance to change for good, and do things right!
Do you often wonder how is it that you don’t get more than C minus essay marks while other students get straight A’s? How come other students always write the best essays while others, like yourself, are always trying harder for nothing? Is there such thing as an “essay recipe” that they know of, and you don’t? While it is (sadly) true that some people are more skilled at writing tasks –and if you have read up to here, we may assume that’s not your case-, you can’t trust your writing skills only. In fact, you can always learn new things and improve your writing with practice.
So, don’t freak out. You can also write a great essay. Do not expect them to be magical, but with these tips, you may write much better and get a high mark in this essay as well as in those to come.
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October 10th, 2010
Essay phrases you can use again and again

While at first it may seem ridiculous to think that any student can repeat the same essay phrases from time to time, the truth is that teachers and professors are actually expecting a certain register. Readers are accustomed to some common phrases in the English language being used in academic works. In fact, the purpose of using essay phrases is helping the readers to establish the logical flow of sentences in an appealing and readable way.
Essay writers usually have a list of phrases they can implement in different kinds of essays. Students often have to memorize the most common phrases. Learning some of them is useful, since it will simplify your work and allow you to achieve a professional register in your writing assignment. At the same time, you need to make sure you are using each phrase properly –or don’t use it at all! You should be very careful about the context in which they are used. The best thing to do is to use them where it is obvious.
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September 28th, 2010
How to prepare a great student essay

It’s not your first year at school. You are a high school senior, or you are already in college. And you find yourself dealing with assignments, papers and lots of essays! In fact, all through your academic career, probably starting in school and most likely, later too, you will be required to write many student essays. When you are applying to colleges all around the country, you may likely be asked to write an essay -based on personal experience as well as objective information- as a part of your admission. And college itself is definitely a huge writing training. But, speaking of training, what if you feel writing essays is not your thing? Can you somehow improve your skills? Can anyone teach you how to do it?
Writing student essays can be harder than it sounds. Especially if you have never written one before. So you should have in mind certain tips when the time comes for sitting in front of your laptop. The good news is, you are probably able to acquire the basic essay skills by yourself. Writing training is something anyone can try. Here we provide you with some tips to improve your essay skills and make you feel much comfortable next time a teacher asks for an essay writing task. Take them step by step!
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