Posts Tagged ‘Dissertation Writing’
February 3rd, 2011
How to write good APA dissertations

You must know by now than an APA dissertation is the work that meets every requirement of the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. These are not new rules, though. APA written principles have extended to academic works as a standard style. APA citation style is used by writers in various sciences, in education as well as in business. This means you are probably familiarized with APA citation style, because chances are you are already using it in your essay writing tasks.
So if your dissertation advisor has instructed you to follow an APA style in your dissertation, make sure you take notes of the following tips.
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January 20th, 2011
Abstract dissertations are key elements of your work

What is an abstract dissertation, or a dissertation abstract? Why is it so important? What should you include in it? Here we’ll tell you all this –and more- so you learn the importance of dissertation abstracts before you actually write them. You know already that your dissertation –or thesis- is the most important work in your academic career, that it implies culminating at a very long process, and that it is meant to show your achievements at the end of your academic studies and in the beginning of your professional life. Well, abstracts are a window into the content of the whole dissertation. Abstract dissertations are the first (and, sadly, sometimes the only) thing everyone interested will read. That’s why we emphasize that preparing a good abstract is almost as important as working on the whole dissertation.
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January 12th, 2011
Tips for writing advanced higher English dissertations

If you are studying abroad, that means by the time you finish you’ll need to prepare an advanced higher English dissertation. What if English is not your first language? This will obviously imply some extra difficulties. However, you can succeed and we can tell you how. Keep on reading and we’ll give you some advice for writing satisfactory advanced higher English dissertations, even if you have learned English as a foreign language.
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January 4th, 2011
Written dissertations mean obtaining a degree

A written dissertation –also known as thesis- is probably the most important work you will have to face in your academic career. The dissertation is the culmination of a very long process, and it is meant to show the student’s achievements at the end of their academic studies and in the beginning of their professional life. Obtaining your degree depends on your written dissertation.
Of course, a student may feel pressured when considering the importance of this work. You will probably feel much better once you have prepared your dissertation outline. Then, you’ll see it’s not as terrible as you thought: although writing a dissertation is a long, hard process, you can simplify it just following directions. Here we will provide you some useful tips.
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November 19th, 2010
Tips for succeeding with research dissertations

If you are finishing your academic studies, it is time to think about your research dissertation. You should know by now that a dissertation (or a thesis writing) is the most important academic work you’ll ever be going to handle. And writing a dissertation is a process that sometimes feels way too long and even pointless! Nevertheless, don’t give up before you start. You will triumph if you manage to organize yourself, find an interesting dissertation topic and focus on the big picture. After all, isn’t it all about getting your degree? Besides, preparing your research dissertation is hard but also rewarding.
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October 6th, 2010
Why are dissertation literature reviews so important?

Do you have to write a dissertation literature review, and you are not sure where to start? Don’t worry: here we can provide you some useful tips.
Now that it is your last year in college, you realize there is a big task ahead: your dissertation. This one is the most important work in any student’s academic career, since it is the culmination of a very long process. The dissertation (or thesis) is meant to show the student’s achievements at the end of their college studies and in the beginning of their professional life.
You have already begun to organize your dissertation steps with your tutor, and he mentions you should include a dissertation review writing in your work. It is important that you learn how to do it right.
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September 24th, 2010
How to prepare a dissertation outline

We all know that the dissertation is the most important academic work of a student’s career. When preparing your dissertation, there are many things to consider. Does the idea of writing a dissertation intimidate you because you think you can’t write thousands of words, or hundreds of pages? You will probably feel much better once you have prepared your dissertation outline! One of the things that make students worried is the dissertation length. You’ll see it’s not as terrible as you thought.
However, pay attention and avoid some common dissertation outlines mistakes. Here we will tell you what to do and what not to do. After all, dissertation outlines are the entrance to the rest of the work, so you want yours to be right!
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September 18th, 2010
Certain dissertation topics will make your life miserable…

You know that writing a dissertation is a long process that sometimes feels way too long and even pointless! But don’t give up before you start. You will success if you manage to organize yourself, find an interesting topic and focus on the big picture. After all, isn’t it all about getting your degree? Preparing your dissertation is hard but also rewarding. And it all begins with choosing a dissertation topic. If you do this right, you are on your way! But if you fail, you may even need to start all over again when you are half way there, so pay attention and don’t make these common mistakes when you are dealing with your first dissertation steps.
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August 23rd, 2010
How to prepare a dissertation contents page

Since your dissertation is the most important academic work of your career, you have to take things really seriously! When preparing your dissertation, there are many things to consider. And the dissertation contents page is the first quick look your readers will bump into, so you need to make sure it is clear and well organized. Even though it sounds like a lot of pressure, it is actually quite simple. And if you don’t know where to begin, here we can provide you some general guidelines for preparing your dissertation contents page.
We suggest you to draft your dissertation contents page in your initial planning, since it will help you to structure your dissertation draft. The purpose of the contents page is to provide the reader with a view of the materials covered in the dissertation.
Keep in mind that the dissertation contents must be clear from the beginning. The contents page is the section of the work that shows the readers what topics your dissertation covers and gives basic impression about its contents, so you want it to be right! Here we show you how to prepare in 5 steps.
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August 15th, 2010
There are no dissertations without dissertations outline

Are you looking for general guidelines on preparing your dissertation outline? Here is what you have been looking for. After all, the dissertation is the most important academic work of a student’s career. When preparing your dissertation, there are many things to consider. The dissertation outline is one of the first things you need to do, and that is because your final work should be clear and organized.
Writing a thesis (or a dissertation) is quite challenging. You will probably spend several months (even a year) working on this, so you must find a way to link every step, otherwise all your tasks will seem unconnected and vain. That is why you need an outline. We know it sounds like a lot of pressure, but it is quite simple actually. And even if you are not sure where to begin, here we can provide you some basic tips for preparing yours. After all, dissertation outlines are the entrance to the rest of the work, so you want yours to be right!
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