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Health Essays – what are they about?

November 16th, 2008

How To Write a “Healthy” Health Essay!

Health essayshave no definition in particular, but the name quite obviously states that they are essays on health and health related topics. Since health and medicine are directly related, the topics range from something as basic as fitness and a balanced diet to the more complex and technical essays on surgery, surgical methods, diagnosis and treatment. They are usually written for a target audience like fitness freaks and those in the medical profession. The technicality and depth of the essays depend on the readers for whom it is written for. For instance an essay on “Breast Cancer” will be written in a simple and comprehensive style in a specialized magazine for women and in more of detailed technical style in a health journal. One should also pay attention to the essay structure to help the readers follow the essay easily.

Purpose and significance of health essays

The main purpose of health essays is to provide some amount of useful information, it maybe about a particular epidemic disease or even a breakthrough in medical technology depending upon the target readers. The importance of such essays is determined by the essence of the content it carries and the topic discussed. It forms an integral part of communicating the result of an experiment or research, awareness regarding fatal diseases etc. Health is precious to each individual and the significance of health essays goes without saying. Health not only concerns physical, but also mental well being. Psychology essayscan giveone a clear picture as to what mental well being and disorders are all about.

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How to write this essay?

Health essays do not have a specific format as such, but it is usually written with a higher level of vocabulary and the usage of technical and scientific words is more. Students of medicine and even literature and journalism are often asked to write health essays as it can be considered a form of writing on its own. Research on the topic with utmost accuracy of facts and also statistical evidence is suggested. Accuracy of facts is very important when it comes to writing on medicine and health, based on the very significance of the two words. One cannot afford to provide inaccurate or vague information in such essays. Unnecessary elaboration should be avoided as the facts are given more importance than the style of writing. It does not support any creative or unconventional style of writing. One can also refer to an essay sampleto get a better picture on how essays should be written.

Role of such essays

Health essays play an important role mainly in the field of medicine and also health sciences. Health is Wealth and comes of obvious priority to even the simple human beings. The awareness about diseases, precautions and cure etc is communicated through essays of such kind and are published in magazines. It also plays a vital role in the lives of professionals. They are informed about research and experiment results, ingenious ideas and concepts of other professionals, breakthroughs in medical technology via articles and essays on health and medicine. It can also be considered a form of informal education for those unable to learn from institutions. It helps people to stay informed about the advancements and also about the need and means to preserve their health which is most precious to them.

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