Learn to Write a Good Essay on Any Topic
Thursday, March 11th, 2010What exactly makes an essay a good essay?
Many times in their career student need to write essays. But this kind of work is not as easy as some may think. In fact, writing a truly good essay can be consider as a branch of Literature. Famous authors as Edgar Allan Poe, Ralph Waldo Emerson, British philosopher John Locke or French writer Michel de Montaigne (considered by many the creator of the essay as a genre) have made of the essay almost an artistic expression.
Student busy with essay writing tasks or preparing a dissertation writing for school should not worry about breaking an entrance into Literature history, since their only concern should be passing the course.
But anyway, preparing an essay is itself the work of a writer, and students should try to get good at it. Visit our site to get practical advice on how to write a good conclusion
Elements that any essay must have
Every essay must begin with a proper introduction, a few paragraphs were the writer establishes the purpose of the essay and gives his or her own reasons for supporting a certain hypothesis. Introductions should not be very long, since it is the development of every argument what makes the essay sustainable.
The essay writer is also required to write an appropriate conclusion, which sums up the essay’s main ideas and provides direction to future work on the topic.
You may have probably heard before that in any assignment writing a proper organization is a must. So always use titles, subtitles, an index and all the other textual elements that provide your essays with a very desirable professional look.
Here you can find a range of proposal argument essay topics
Getting the reader’s attention
At this point, one may be thinking “OK, so I always organize my essays that same way and I can’t get more than mediocre grades. Why is that?” The thing is, great essays are easily readable, since they apply to the reader’s interests and display information little by little, combining facts with original examples, and the writer’s own thoughts with opposite points of view and different opinions the reader may have.
If one is looking forward to write a really good essay, the reader must be permanently taken into account. Even if the only reader the essay potentially has is the teacher correcting and grading it.
Quoting authorities
You don’t need to go to the teacher for coursework help if you are preparing a paper. The best you can do is read others that have written long before you and quote them in an appropriate way. Always use inverted commas and specify the book (title, author, publisher, year) where you took the quote from. And remember than repeating other people’s words without quoting them appropriately is something called plagiarism than can (and should) be severely punished. No good essay should lack appropriate quotes: they are useful for supporting the student’s own ideas and point of view. On the other hand, no one can’t write an essay made only from quotes: the writers own ideas must prevail in the end. You find here a good essay sample to follow when writing your essay
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Tags: essay ideas, good essay, good essay writing, good essays