Essay Writing
If you want to know more about essay writing, then this category is for you, as it contains lots of useful advice on various essay types and topics. Need help with informative, descriptive, analytical or persuasive essay writing? No problem – visit FastEssays.co.uk and find all required information here.
November 23rd, 2010
Write your paper based on essay answers

Sometimes, the teacher provides the question (or questions), and students are meant to produce essay answers. While for some students this is a way to guide them and help them through their assignment writing, for others, essay answers are quite a pain in the neck! However, here we will show you how to take advantage of this particular kind of essay in order to get better marks next time you are dealing with this type of paper.
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November 17th, 2010
Do well in your next higher history essay

Writing successful higher history essays is quite a challenge. Some students can handle the essay writing techniques, but find it hard dealing with so many facts and bibliography. Others, on the contrary, can face a professional historical research, but don’t manage to put it in words, especially when they must respect a certain essay word count.
Of course, if writing is not your forté, or you don’t have time to write your essays, you can always find help in our team of professional writers, who will provide you with a custom made essay. An original paper with intrinsic academic value, written by professional academic writers. However, if you want to try and prepare your own higher history essay, we suggest you avoid these frequent mistakes.
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November 15th, 2010
Learn to deal with those challenging TOK essays

TOK (Theory of knowledge) is a course any student must undergo if they wish to obtain a diploma in the International Baccalaureate Programme. In this course, teachers can freely approach to the theoretical foundation of essential concepts through their teaching methodology and course material of choice. The most important thing is that the given concepts can be debated and discussed properly.
In order to pass the course, you must present a TOK essay. The IB prescribes ten essay titles from which you must choose. Each possible essay topic will raise some cross-disciplinary question about knowledge, which you are expected to consider and reach a conclusion. It should be a rather personal essay, in which you demonstrate your own ideas and evolution of though after taking the course. It is not an easy task, but here we can provide you some essay tips for writing successful TOK essays.
November 13th, 2010
Writing courses can be very helpful

Has anyone recommended you a writing course? Are you considering whether you should invest the money in it? Here we will explain you why writing courses are worth taking. However, in order to take advantages of what you’ll learn there, you should practice on your own and spend a significant amount of time writing. If you are willing to try, there are courses available in most academic institutions. Of course, you can also take a writing course online if you can’t afford them, or you don’t have time in your busy schedule. Anyway, they have a lot to offer!
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November 11th, 2010
Keys for successful media studies essay

A media studies essay shouldn’t be so difficult. In fact, it can be fun to prepare! Because the mass media are all around us, this is a quite common essay topic today. If you think for a second about how much we depend on telephones, mobile phones, the press (newspapers and magazines), the Internet, the radio, the television, the cinema…. it’s no big news that our teacher asks us to hand in not one, but several media studies essays!
An advantage of an essay on media is that each student has at least some experience on the field. So don’t freak out, because you already know a lot! Anyway, here we will provide you some instructions on how to write a great media essay. You can achieve it if you follow five simple steps.
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November 9th, 2010
An essay cheat may have you kicked out!

If you are trying to find tips for a successful essay cheat, let me tell you: you have not found them. No one can advise you to cheat on your essays: it is very risky, it may have serious repercussions and can damage your academic career. And even if you happened to get away with murder, essays are meant for you to learn from them, so there’s no purpose on cheating.
After years of experience as a student, you should be aware by now that downloading a free essay from a random website will most probably get you into trouble than help you pass the course. Since teachers know about the different ways students can cheat, all those sample papers you thought you could just download for free and hand them in, are easily spotted with anti-plagiarism software. So, if you haven’t ever thought about it until today, now you know: free essays aren’t safe.
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November 7th, 2010
Higher English essays should be carefully proofread

Do you need to write a higher English essay, and you are not sure you can do it right? Doubtless English is today’s lingua franca. The worldwide applicability of this language has significantly increased the worth of everything related to English. Every college student should be able to present a higher English essay, no matter what their native language is. And because academic writing require flawless English, some students face a real challenge and many difficulties.
Anyway, here we can provide you some useful tips for writing an essay in English.
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November 1st, 2010
Succeeding when writing higher history essays

It is your turn to hand in a higher history essay, and you are not so confident whether you’ll do it right. One of the things you could do is buying a unique custom made essay that will ensure you a great essay mark. However, if you are considering about writing the higher history essay yourself, at least make sure you avoid some of the most common mistakes…
Here are some things you absolutely must do, and some others you should be careful to avoid.
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October 30th, 2010
Your essay composition can be outstanding

If you are reading this guide about essay composition, this probably means that at school teachers are already requesting this kind of writing from you and your classmates. However, have you ever wondered how to write a good essay? Are all the essays the same? What is their structure like?
First of all, note that your essay composition may be quite simple or rather difficult, especially depending on the essay type you are supposed to write. Not all the essays are the same. For example, while Prep school students are given an essay topic by their teacher to write about, in academic writing the teachers ask students to demonstrate an argument, collect enough data to prove a point, or prove that they have understood the multiple meanings of a text they have assigned.
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October 28th, 2010
Writing courses online can do a lot for you!

Whether for improving your academic writing skills, for becoming a professional writer or just for fun, you can easily take a writing course online. Plenty of universities offer free writing courses for those who don’t have the time or the money for campus-based courses. In most cases, you only need to register, and then you can take the course from the comfort of your own house, even while wearing your pajamas!
While most linguistics agree that oral language is something innate in human beings, writing is not something biological but cultural, and that is why it is an ability that has to be learned and practiced. In fact, nobody can learn to read and write without a teacher there to guide them in the learning process. Writing courses online may supply that necessity.
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