Essay Writing
If you want to know more about essay writing, then this category is for you, as it contains lots of useful advice on various essay types and topics. Need help with informative, descriptive, analytical or persuasive essay writing? No problem – visit FastEssays.co.uk and find all required information here.
September 14th, 2010
How to write French essays that Montaigne would not complain about!

It is not easy to write an essay, not even in your own first language. Writing can be hard for some people. And doubtlessly, if the essay is supposed to be written in a foreign language (as if you are required to hand in a French essay) you may multiply difficulty by two! Besides trying to figure out what to say, you also have to think very carefully how to say it. It doesn’t matter how much time we have been studying the second language: it’s never quite the same. As wearing a borrowed jacket that may fit us well, but still doesn’t feel exactly like our own.
English native speakers who learn French many times run into the same difficulties… and end up making the same mistakes. But take it easy: here are some tips for helping you in your assignment writing in French.
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September 10th, 2010
How a writing class can help you success

How come so many students find essays and other written assignments so difficult? Well, it is because writing properly is quite a challenge. We know it’s not easy, but you can get better taking some writing classes. They can provide extremely valuable tools that you will continue using all through your academic career.
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September 6th, 2010
How to prepare a literature review writing

Before we begin to explain, you must be sure that you understand what a literature review writing really is. Because most students, when their teacher has asked them to write a literature review assignment, they would think: “This is my lucky day! I love literature!”. If that’s your case, and next thing you know you go to your bookcase and take out a book with your favourite story and you start writing about how much you liked it, you are on the wrong way.
The thing is, a literature review writing is not a book review and is not a literary essay. Your literature review should not focused on giving your opinion on a certain literary work. In fact, the whole concept of “literature” implied is different, since literature reviews can survey scholarly articles, books and other sources (e.g. thesis, conference proceedings), always relevant to a particular issue, theory or area of research. Then, it provides a description, summary, and critical evaluation of each work.
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September 4th, 2010
Writing compare and contrast essays in five steps

Did your teacher ask you for a compare and contrast essay and you don’t know how to begin? Don’t panic! Compare and contrast essays are not hard to prepare. This kind of essay is characterized by a basis for comparison, developed in different point or sequences, and analogies, always between two (or sometimes more) terms. Here we will show you how you can write a good essay of this kind just by following five simple steps.
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September 2nd, 2010
How to organize your essay references

It is very important to learn how to reference your essays. After all, a proper essay reference is essential for obtaining a good essay marking. This is why, as a student, you should learn how to reference your essays properly. The bad news is not every teacher is willing to show you how to do it, since finding out on your own is part of your task. Nevertheless, don’t worry: here we will show you how to organize your essay references in just five simple steps.
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August 27th, 2010
How to write an English essay

If you are looking for information on how to write an English essay, that probably means you have studied English as a foreign language, and you are not too confident on your writing skills. This won’t probably be the case if you had to write an essay in your first language. Or maybe it is just that writing is not your forté. Maybe you are applying for an international university or college on an English speaking country, and you need to hand in an application essay. Whatever the case is, we can -and we will- help you!
We can tell for sure that if your essay is supposed to be written in a foreign language you may multiply the difficulty by two! Besides trying to figure out what to say, you also have to think very carefully how to say it. It doesn’t matter how much time we have been studying the second language: it’s never quite the same. As wearing a borrowed jacket that may fit us well, but still doesn’t feel exactly like our own. But do not worry: here are some tips for helping you in your writing.
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August 25th, 2010
Argumentative essays can be difficult to write!

When you write an argumentative essay, you are basically trying to prove your point by using logic and reason. In these essays, the writer demonstrates that one idea (their own) is more valid than another. By using a series of procedures and writing techniques, argumentative essays persuade the reader to adopt the same point of view they are expressing or even taking an action based on the reading. The purpose is almost the same as advertising, even when in the last one, the action is always the same: buy.
Many students make some mistakes when writing argumentative essays. Here we will show you how to avoid these mistakes.
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August 17th, 2010
Learning the basic characteristics of the essay

If you are reading this guide about the essay, this probably means that at school teachers are already requesting this kind of writing from you and your classmates. But, have you ever wondered what an essay really is? What is the point when writing one? Are all the essays the same? What is their structure like?
All the essays are not the same. For example, while Prep school students are given a topic by their teacher to write about, in academic writing the teachers ask students to demonstrate an argument, collect enough data to prove a point, or prove that they have understood the multiple meanings of a text they have assigned. But even when they seem different, in all cases, the writing process is the same. You, as the student, always need enough evidence and you have to make a conclusion in order to prove a thesis.
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August 13th, 2010
Tips for gaining essay skills

All through your academic career, probably starting in school and most likely, later too, you will be required to write a lot of essays. College is definitely a huge writing training. But, speaking of training, what if you feel writing essays is not your thing? Can you somehow get better at it? Can anyone teach you how to improve your essay skills?
The good news is, you are probably able to acquire essay writing skills by yourself. Writing training is something anyone can try. Here we provide you with some tips to improve your essay skills and make you feel much comfortable next time a teacher asks for an essay writing task. Take them step by step!
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August 11th, 2010
How to begin writing a school essay?

Do your teacher ask you to write many school essays? Or, on the contrary, you have never written one… yet? The thing is, chances are that every now and then, a teacher will ask you to hand in a school essay. And even when you may think it is a pain in the neck, because you don’t like to write and you don’t really think they are important at all, they are significant. In fact, there are many things you can learn from writing school essays, as boring as they may sound they are a task which provides you with certain tools you will need to use all your academic life. So in case you have no idea on how to deal with them, here we will suggest you some tips.
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