How to Write a TOK Essay

Learn to deal with those challenging TOK essays

TOK essay
TOK (Theory of knowledge) is a course any student must undergo if they wish to obtain a diploma in the International Baccalaureate Programme. In this course, teachers can freely approach to the theoretical foundation of essential concepts through their teaching methodology and course material of choice. The most important thing is that the given concepts can be debated and discussed properly.
In order to pass the course, you must present a TOK essay. The IB prescribes ten essay titles from which you must choose. Each possible essay topic will raise some cross-disciplinary question about knowledge, which you are expected to consider and reach a conclusion. It should be a rather personal essay, in which you demonstrate your own ideas and evolution of though after taking the course. It is not an easy task, but here we can provide you some essay tips for writing successful TOK essays.

Possible topics

Here are some of the possible topics you will run into during your TOK course, and which will most likely appear on your essay. The different areas of knowledge, their nature and methods of obtaining knowledge and issues to consider; the different ways of knowledge (perception, reason, language, etc.); knowledge communities; nature of knowing; applications of knowledge; justifications.
After following a 100 teaching hours course during two years, students are expected to competently analyze and respond to any knowledge issue, expressing their ideas in the appropriate way and using examples of their own learning experiences. All this should reflect, somehow, in your TOK essay.

Before you begin your essay

Before you write anything, make sure you revise the basic concepts. A TOK essay is all about what people know, how do they know it, how they test their knowledge, and how human knowledge systems work. Before doing anything else, review your understanding of these concepts, because they will form the basis for judging your essay.
Make sure you design a good essay plan. It will help you organize your work and meet your deadlines. After you have chosen your essay topic, create an outline that covers your subject fully.

Ok, I don’t think I can make it…

We understand you have to deal with a lot of work: expressing your opinion while referencing your essay appropriately, respecting a strict word count, editing and proofreading your paper… everything under the pressure that your diploma depends on it!
Well, let’s face it! Maybe you are just not ready to start working on such a complicated thing as this essay. Alternatively, maybe you are running out of time. Moreover, of course, you don’t want to take the course again. Is there anything you can do? Yes, there is! Always remember that any time you need help with your essays you can find in us an excellent writing service, with professional freelance academic writers that can provide you with full quality work. You name it, you get it. Even the most complicated TOK essay.

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  • Angelina

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