Archive for September, 2010
September 30th, 2010
What you must know before you write an Othello coursework

Othello is a world famous tragedy written by William Shakespeare in the beginning of the 17th Century. It is one of the most famous plays from the dramatist, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English Language. No wonder why it is one of teachers’ favourite topic when it comes to writing literature coursework. An Othello coursework then, is not supposed to be shockingly original but solid, well-based on personal readings and logically sustained. Here are a few tips on how to success if this is what you were asked to write.
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September 28th, 2010
How to prepare a great student essay

It’s not your first year at school. You are a high school senior, or you are already in college. And you find yourself dealing with assignments, papers and lots of essays! In fact, all through your academic career, probably starting in school and most likely, later too, you will be required to write many student essays. When you are applying to colleges all around the country, you may likely be asked to write an essay -based on personal experience as well as objective information- as a part of your admission. And college itself is definitely a huge writing training. But, speaking of training, what if you feel writing essays is not your thing? Can you somehow improve your skills? Can anyone teach you how to do it?
Writing student essays can be harder than it sounds. Especially if you have never written one before. So you should have in mind certain tips when the time comes for sitting in front of your laptop. The good news is, you are probably able to acquire the basic essay skills by yourself. Writing training is something anyone can try. Here we provide you with some tips to improve your essay skills and make you feel much comfortable next time a teacher asks for an essay writing task. Take them step by step!
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September 26th, 2010
Some tips for your citizenship coursework

Students who take Citizenship will probably be requested to prepare a citizenship coursework or a citizenship essay sooner or later. First of all, you should remember the purpose of Citizenship: it is meant to encourage in every student respect for different national, religious and ethnic identities. It should provide them with the tools that allow them to engage critically with and explore different beliefs, ideas, identities and cultures, as well as the common values in their country, city and school. While studying Citizenship, students begin to realize how their society has changed and is still changing, and to recognize themselves as a part of it, taking responsibility for their world.
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September 24th, 2010
How to prepare a dissertation outline

We all know that the dissertation is the most important academic work of a student’s career. When preparing your dissertation, there are many things to consider. Does the idea of writing a dissertation intimidate you because you think you can’t write thousands of words, or hundreds of pages? You will probably feel much better once you have prepared your dissertation outline! One of the things that make students worried is the dissertation length. You’ll see it’s not as terrible as you thought.
However, pay attention and avoid some common dissertation outlines mistakes. Here we will tell you what to do and what not to do. After all, dissertation outlines are the entrance to the rest of the work, so you want yours to be right!
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September 22nd, 2010
Some ideas for your assignment topics

Were you requested to write an assignment, and your teacher hasn’t provided you the topic? Don’t worry! It is very simple to choose a great assignment topic. Think it carefully, because once you have it decided, you’ll find that half of your task is already done! And if you are totally clueless, and don’t know where to start, here we will suggest you how to find assignment topics just by following five simple steps.
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September 20th, 2010
A cheat essay can jeopardize your career

You shouldn’t be as naive to think that your teachers and professors will fall for a cheat essay you have handed in. In fact, doing something like that will most likely get you in trouble! This happens because most teachers nowadays are aware of the different ways students can cheat. And you should notice that all those cheat essays you thought you could just download for free and hand them in, pretending they are written by yourself, are easily spotted with anti-plagiarism software. So, if you haven’t ever considered it until today, now you know: never hand in free essays, because they aren’t safe.
Here we will tell you how can teachers discover your cheat and what undesirable consequences you could be facing.
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September 18th, 2010
Certain dissertation topics will make your life miserable…

You know that writing a dissertation is a long process that sometimes feels way too long and even pointless! But don’t give up before you start. You will success if you manage to organize yourself, find an interesting topic and focus on the big picture. After all, isn’t it all about getting your degree? Preparing your dissertation is hard but also rewarding. And it all begins with choosing a dissertation topic. If you do this right, you are on your way! But if you fail, you may even need to start all over again when you are half way there, so pay attention and don’t make these common mistakes when you are dealing with your first dissertation steps.
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September 16th, 2010
How to (and how not to) prepare a comparison essay

Teachers quite commonly ask for comparison essays. The thing is, such a structure can be used in many different courses, such as literature (comparing two or more books, periods or authors), history (comparing two or more specific situations of certain characteristics), science (comparing two different theories), etc.
Preparing a comparison essay is not so difficult. Here we will provide you some tips of what to do, and what mistakes to avoid.
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September 14th, 2010
How to write French essays that Montaigne would not complain about!

It is not easy to write an essay, not even in your own first language. Writing can be hard for some people. And doubtlessly, if the essay is supposed to be written in a foreign language (as if you are required to hand in a French essay) you may multiply difficulty by two! Besides trying to figure out what to say, you also have to think very carefully how to say it. It doesn’t matter how much time we have been studying the second language: it’s never quite the same. As wearing a borrowed jacket that may fit us well, but still doesn’t feel exactly like our own.
English native speakers who learn French many times run into the same difficulties… and end up making the same mistakes. But take it easy: here are some tips for helping you in your assignment writing in French.
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September 12th, 2010
How to prepare your A view from the bridge coursework

A view from the bridge is a very requested book in literature courses. Teachers ask very often for A view from the bridge coursework, in order to evaluate their students’ reading and analysis of the famous play. It was written by American playwright Arthur Miller, and it was staged for the first time on September 29, 1955, on Broadway. It is a great play with many reminiscences of the Greek tragedy.
As any other literary essay or literature coursework, your A View from the Bridge coursework is not supposed to be shockingly original but solid, well-based on personal readings and logically sustained. You can start preparing your assignment right now if you just follow five easy steps.
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