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Posts Tagged ‘essay types’

The Essay: a Basic Guide

August 17th, 2010
Learning the basic characteristics of the essay

The essay
If you are reading this guide about the essay, this probably means that at school teachers are already requesting this kind of writing from you and your classmates. But, have you ever wondered what an essay really is? What is the point when writing one? Are all the essays the same? What is their structure like?
All the essays are not the same. For example, while Prep school students are given a topic by their teacher to write about, in academic writing the teachers ask students to demonstrate an argument, collect enough data to prove a point, or prove that they have understood the multiple meanings of a text they have assigned. But even when they seem different, in all cases, the writing process is the same. You, as the student, always need enough evidence and you have to make a conclusion in order to prove a thesis.

Defining a Definition Essay

July 20th, 2010

Definition essay
Definition essays are easy to prepare

If your were requested to write a definition essay, don’t panic! It is quite easy to prepare. Here we will provide you a few outlines and some tips on choosing the right essay topic. For the rest, you will probably be able to complete the paper on your own. And, if not, remember you can always purchase custom essays which will be just as your own work, 100% original, quality work, written by professional academic writers. And what’s most important: no risks involved!

Do’s and Don’ts in your Creative Writing Essay

July 4th, 2010

Creative Writing Essay
Some tips for good creative writing essays

Creative writing essays are not among the most common essay types. While academic writing, generally, is written to persuade, to demonstrate, to debate or even to inform, a creative writing essay is meant to express an idea in a different way. Most of the times it is closer to literature: the student writing the essay may even tell a story which tries to prove a point. The essay topics can be very different: experience, feelings, ideas… you name it, you got it!
But still, you must not forget that this essay type is still part of your academic writing, so there are some common mistakes you can’t allow yourself to make.

Know the Types of Essays-It Is Necessary

March 21st, 2009

Write different essays for different occasions

There are over eighteen different types of essays. Every type of essay has its own use and specialty. The use of the right kind of essay is easy, when you know and understand what types of essay are used when and where. The eighteen types of essay are discussed in detail below in an alphabetical order. Get a gcse science coursework here to make sure you get good grades

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