Dissertation Format Guidelines

Students must present their research papers in prescribed dissertation format

Any thesis paper or research document should follow the dissertation format rules, as prescribed by the College Board for this purpose. Hence, it is essential that students understand perfectly the importance of essay writing regulations, while going through the guide manuals of established essay formats like, APA, MLA or Harvard and Chicago styles.

While this paper would list some of the guidelines that students should pursue when presenting their dissertation projects to the advisors and audience, they must go through a good dissertation writing for understanding the techniques involved in preparing such papers.

  • Page layout

As most of the dissertation documents are lengthy, students should adhere to certain basic rules to follow the common applicable format for writing such papers. These include the paper to be of A-4 size, with margins on all sides of around one inch. In addition, the pages should be numbered with the specific number mentioned at the right hand top corner of the page.

The recommended font size should be 12, while the font style must be “Times New Roman”. However, as these are the basic recommendations that most of the students follow to write their thesis or dissertation projects, students must consult their advisers and College Board to find if they recommend any variations to the general dissertation format.

  • Page numbering

While the page numbers can appear at the top right hand corner of each page or at the center of the page, the dissertation abstract would not be included in this numbering. The title page would be the page number one, followed by the academic history page. However, these two pages are numbered in Roman numerical; with other preliminary pages like the Dissertation Committee page.

The main essay body would then start with the Arabic numbers, like 1 and the reference section would also have similar numbers only, in continuation of the main essay body page numbers. This would end at the bibliography pages. However, the complimentary and acknowledgment pages should not be counted or numbered.

In any case, students should go through a reliable coursework help to understand the proper dissertation format.

  • Line spacing

While the recommended line spacing for writing most of the dissertation and research papers is double lines, students can utilize the “one and a half” line spacing also, if the academic council of the college approves it. However, better presentation is possible by using double-spacing only.

Similarly, students must inquire from the college council on the spacing pattern required for mentioning the references and any in-text double quotes or for charts’ and figures’ references. However, commonly all such text is written in single line spacing only. This includes the bibliography and works-cited page contents, as well. Students should go through a good assignment writing for this purpose.

  • In-text citations

This should follow the prescribed essay writing regulations, as there are different guidelines regarding the same, in APA or MLA and other essay formats, particularly with regard to the preparation of the work-cited and bibliography pages, as well as the in-text citation methodology.

For knowing more about the dissertation format, students must look at custom essays.

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