Article essay – not exactly a fun thing to do!

Writing can be a pain if you are not in the mood to do it. Unfortunately, an article essay needs to be done at all levels of school and college. There is no point in trying to imagine that you could go through college without doing a single piece of writing. This is not possible even if your guardian angel is working to look after your best interests, round the clock. There are always supervisors, teachers and professors looking through their rimmed or rimless glasses, trying to pin you down to a deadline that you think is totally unreasonable. Here you are, coping as best as you could under the weight of the many books that you need to carry to college! You certainly could do without this kind of hawk like supervision.

Anyway, if you have decided that you are going to slog it out, then don’t complain. Start thinking of the basics of essay writing and learn all about the essential components of a good article essay. There will be umpteen numbers of people in your school or college to tell you what goes into a good essay. It is almost as if every person has become an exceptionally good chef and just about has the right recipe for a good essay. Believe me, there is really no foolproof recipe. There are of course a few rules that you have to follow. Apart from that, it is your own way of expression and your capability of putting things forward in as simple, but as effective a way as possible. When you have succeeded in putting your points together as succinctly as you possibly can, just make sure that you have put down all the relevant points without leaving out something that is really important and relevant.

Let us imagine you to have to do an article essay on your own perception of the global warming issue. You keep hearing so much about it that you are quite warmed up yourself. You would probably think that far too much has already been written about and that an article essay on the same subject would be quite redundant. But you do not have a choice, as your supervisor, in his infinite wisdom, has decided that that there is nothing better than giving students a subject that has already been discussed threadbare. He is of the opinion that there is not very many new ideas that you will be able to put forth on this subject as it is being spoken about only a million times per second, all over the world!

Remember, an article essay demands you to follow the format of introduction, body, discussion and conclusion. So now, what is the problem? Your essay is complete. You have done what you are supposed to do. Make sure that the points that you have made are relevant and talk about global warming and not the over-heated gas stove in your kitchen. Also make sure that your essay examples are relevant to the topic and that the essay format is just what the doctor ordered!

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