Job Essay

A Successful Job Essay Will Pave the Way to a Successful Career

A job essay is written when applying for a certain employment position. Similar to an application essay this essay will have to demonstrate the writer's writing skills as well as personality strengths, skills and abilities. Most of the time, the job essay will be written in a manner which answers a certain question. For example if a student is applying for a position as a teacher, he or she will have to inform the reader as to why he is applying for the position and how he or she is the ideal candidate for the position. This type of essay is assigned to students to develop their practical skills in securing employment in future.

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Job EssayPreparation is a key element to good essay writing. This essay too, requires students to prepare extensively. There are instances when applicants or students, will have to write their essays during an interview in the employment facility itself. Writing it will be easier in this instance if students have come prepared for essays. Unlike the college application essay where students had ample time to prepare and write it, this one requires students to complete it impromptu. Furthermore, they will not have time to correct their work efficiently. Writing this essay is similar to writing marketing copy for advertisements. Substitute yourself instead of the product and there is ample motivation to write this persuasively yet professionally. Consider what type of marketing tactics usually works with you. Would you rather prefer an informative advertisement which spotlights the good features clearly but subtly vs. a hard selling advertisement? Most probably the initial approach works and so it would in the job essay as well. Therefore, these essays should keep the audience in mind which is the prospective employer and the needs of the audience which you aim to fulfill.

As with any short essays, this essay should be a five paragraph essay. It should have an introduction where students will clearly state what the essay theme is. As with all essays, the introduction should be interesting and concise. It should state the purpose of the job essay being written. Next is the body of the essay where the student will present opinions, ideas and facts related to the job being applied and him or her self. A good essay will have at least three body paragraphs and each paragraph will introduce new information pertaining to the central matter. The conclusion will restate the essay and provide evidence of a solution to the problem being discussed.

In order to write a good job essay, students should ensure that they understand the questions asked. If there are any questions which are not comprehensible to the applicants, they should make sure that they refer and obtain clear explanations of the questions. Without a clear understanding of the essay question students will not be able to write a good essay.

Tips for Writing the Essay

Certain elements make it possible for an essay to stand out from the rest.

  • The attitude of the applicant should be positive but not overly enthusiastic.
  • Provide examples of how the applicant will act in stressful situations.
  • Avoid long narrations.
  • Keep the essay short and to the point.
  • Provide insight into the applicant's analytical skills.
  • Mention all key strengths and justify as to why the applicant is the most suitable for the job.


Writing the essay is a considerable task. Especially for students who are not adept at essay writing. These students can obtain online essay samples which will provide them with adequate information on how they can write their job essay.

Spending adequate time and effort on the essay will pave the way to a successful career. Therefore, students should do their level best to ensure that their essays are written with great consideration. If they need assistance with this task, is the best source to rely upon for this task. There are writers specializing in essays of this nature in the writer pool of and you can be assured of job essays that are outstanding.


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