Posts Tagged ‘essay questions’

College Entrance Essays - Not Just a Writing Lesson

Sunday, September 21st, 2008

Essay Questions You will be Asked All Your Life

We think of college entrance essays as just a school requirement. But as an adult, holding my 10th job, I began to see them as one of those tools that can help us succeed later in life. But students seldom think of them that way during this critical time in their lives when more reflection and self-knowledge are needed.
“Who are you?” - Students should understand the relevance of this question in their lives.
This personal essay question is commonly phrased as, “How do you describe yourself as a person? What are your strength and weaknesses? Are there any significant experiences that shaped you? What personal characteristics do you want to strengthen? What do you want to change about yourself?”
Millions of self-help books are being sold to adults to increase their self-knowledge, find their passion, and help them find the right jobs. How many adults have gone back to school because they took the wrong courses because they only thought of income potential? How many are unhappy with their jobs?
Your college entrance essay is not just a requirement. It is also tool to help you to reflect and grow into self-awareness. Believe me, living a thoughtful life will give you the power to direct your life and achieve your goals.
“What are your achievements? - Essay Question that Keeps You Focused in College
Why should we accept your application? What have you done? What have you accomplished? Why should we hire you? You will be asked these questions all throughout your life. You will hear this question in your personal life when you are dating someone or meeting their parents. You will hear this question in your career when you want to get hired, ask for a pay increase or a promotion. You may even need to answer this question when the company is downsizing.
Of course you will party and go to dates, but focus on what is important. You are the one paying for your time in college with your student loans. You will work you ass off to pay these loans, so manage your time well. Build your critical thinking skills, team work skills, essay writing skills, presentation and social skills. Am I focusing my time on developing my talent? Am I building skills that are highly demanded in the marketplace?
Why choose this school?”- An important life skill to learn is how to make informed decisions.
When you look for work, you will also be asked “why choose our company?” This means you need to research and evaluate your options before making critical decisions in your life. In college entrance essays, the school wants to know, how you were able to arrive at your decision to pursue your chosen degree and apply in their school. Your answer will show how serious and committed you are about your choices. Most significantly, this question will reveal whether you have a plan for your life.
In college you need to constantly try to find the answer on what do you want to do with your life.
Some people are able to answer these questions easily, while many of us need to explore further. What is your purpose? We need to constantly make plans and change them according to what we discover in ourselves (talent, qualities) during our learning and exploration time in college. To guide your planning, also check out employee requirements of the companies that are highly ranked in your chosen field. What can you do to fit their profile?
Final thought
As young adults, you need to learn to think critically, write and express yourself well. Start writing personal essays in journals and fill it up with your discoveries about yourself, your questions, your goals, and plans for your life. This will give you direction and help you avoid the frustrations and regrets of an aimless, unexamined and wasteful life. (This will be a valuable document when you become a significant person later!)
Living your life with self-awareness and goals will help you lead a significant and fulfilling life. I wish, somebody guided me when I was in high school. Hopefully, teachers would go the extra mile and not only teach their students the literal and technical skills on how to write their college entrance essays.